Elements Of Biblical Exegesis Pdf Reader


Contents • • • • • • • • Inverted meaning [ ] But O, what damned minutes tells he o'er Who dotes, yet doubts; suspects, yet strongly loves. —, 3.3 'Dotes' and 'strongly loves' share the same meaning and bracket 'doubts' and 'suspects'. A B B A dotes doubts suspects strongly loves 'Fair is foul, and foul is fair' —, 1.1 A B B A fair foul foul fair Conceptual chiasmus [ ] Chiasmus can be used in the structure of entire passages to parallel concepts or ideas. This process, termed 'conceptual chiasmus', uses a criss-crossing structure to cause an overlapping of 'intellectual space'. Conceptual chiasmus utilizes specific choices, often, to create a connection between two differing disciplines. By employing a to a single presented concept, rhetors encourage one area of thought to consider an opposing area's perspective. Effectiveness of chiasmus [ ] Chiasmus derives its effectiveness from its symmetrical structure.

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Elements Of Biblical Exegesis Pdf Reader

The structural of the chiasmus imposes the impression upon the reader or listener that the entire argument has been accounted for. In other words, chiasmus creates only two sides of an argument or idea for the listener to consider, and then leads the listener to favor one side of the argument. In former President 's famous quote, 'ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country', the only two questions that the chiastic statement allows for are whether the listener should ask what the country can do for him, or ask what he can do for his country. The statement also proposes that the latter statement is more favorable. Thus, chiasmus gains its rhetorical efficacy through symmetrical structure causing the belief that all tenets of an argument have been evaluated.